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Get More Time: Outsourcing Templates & Worksheets

Brittany here with a gift that will help you gain more time through outsourcing tasks in your business. To download the gift, keep reading and then click the green download button below!

One of the biggest reasons why many entrepreneurs struggle to grow their business is because they are wearing too many hats.

Think about it…

Right now you are most likely the:

  • Content department; creating information products, writing emails and sales pages
  • The tech department; setting up squeeze pages, linking payment processors and email auto responders
  • The marketing department; getting those ads up, optimizing, split testing and managing your budget..

Not to mention you have family and personal commitments from cooking dinner, to picking up kids, laundry, running errands and so much more.

It's impossible to get everything done and get it done well.

Inevitably your personal and business goals drop to the sideline, quality slips and your stress increases because you're not achieving what you set out to achieve.

It's just too much!

So today I want to give back and give you a gift of three worksheets I put together to help you gain back at least one hour per day through outsourcing. An hour a day adds up to over two full weeks of time back over the course of the year!

That's a lot of time.

Here's an overview of the worksheets I put together:

Worksheet 1: Use this to outline your business goals in 2015, break the goals down into sub tasks and distinguish between tasks that can be outsourced and tasks that you should do yourself.

Worksheet 2: Use this to track and record your time over a 1 week period. This will give you a good idea of how you are currently using your time personally and professionally, how much ‘free time' you have left, where you are being inefficient with your time and how you can be more efficient by assigning specific tasks to a virtual assistant or other outsourcer.

Worksheet 3: A list of over 80 additional common tasks used in business to give you an idea of additional tasks you may be doing in your business that could be outsourced plus what sites I use to hire skilled outsourcers I rely on.

Enjoy the worksheets and comment below to let me know what you think

Download My Outsourcing Worksheets Here! Or By Clicking The Green Download Button Below

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1 Responses
  • Matthew
    January 5, 2016

    My word of the year is RELAX; relaxing gets difficult when you are wearing so many hats. I Looks forward to implementing these strategies.

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