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Iron Lady Back Workout

Total Workout Time: 15 to 20 minutes
Total Calories Burned Per Set: 117 calories

If you watch any of the award shows, you’ve seen the sexy and toned backs of the hottest stars walking down that red carpet. Having a toned upper back with a slim set of shoulders is not something that’s reserved for Hollywood. This workout will help you achieve that same sleek and sexy look so you can rock out your own dress or bathing suit.


  • This workout is based around a total number of repetitions. It doesn’t matter how many sets it takes you to complete it, just be sure to complete ALL of the repetitions before moving on to the next exercise.


PULL-UP: 20 repetitions


Primary Muscle Group Activated: Back, Biceps
Secondary Muscle Group Activated: Forearms

  1. Stand underneath a pull-up bar. Wrap your hands around the bar in an overhand grip at shoulder width or beyond shoulder-width. Engage the back muscles before beginning. Be sure to brace your core.
  2. Pull yourself straight up using your back muscles. Once your chest approaches the bar, slowly lower yourself back down.
  3. Keep a slight bend in the elbows. Once you are at the bottom, begin again.




Primary Muscle Group Activated: Shoulders
Secondary Muscle Group Activated: Upper Back

  1. Hold a water bottle in each hand. Stand tall and brace your core. Bend slightly at the knees. Next, bend at the hips. Lean forward until your upper body is near parallel with the ground. Let your arms hang down in front of you, palms facing each other.
  2. Activating your rear shoulder muscles (rear deltoids) and upper back, bring the water bottles out and to the sides.
  3. Pause at the top of the movement then slowly release until you return to the starting position.




Primary Muscle Group Activated: Lower Back
Secondary Muscle Group Activated: Upper Back, Shoulders, Traps

  1. Come to the ground and lie face down. Position your hands directly below your shoulders while bringing your legs together and extending your feet behind. Tighten your core while focusing on keeping the hips elevated.
  2. Begin the movement by lifting your right arm forward and lifting your left leg behind. Hold for a count of two seconds.
  3. Slowly switch and lift your left arm and your right leg. Continue switching back and forth for the recommended repetitions.




Primary Muscle Group Activated: Shoulders, Traps
Secondary Muscle Group Activated: Upper Back

  1. Stand tall with your feet separated to shoulder-width. Brace your core. Leave your arms hanging at your sides.
  2. Begin the movement by bending the knees slightly. Now bend forward from the hips. Pause once your upper body is nearly parallel with the ground.
  3. Maintaining a tight core, lift both of your arms up and forward. Stop your arms once they get to shoulder height. Pause here before slowly lowering them back down to the starting position.



Primary Muscle Group Activated: Upper Back, Traps
Secondary Muscle Group Activated: Shoulders

  1. Come to the ground and lie face down. Position your hands directly below your shoulders while bringing your legs together and extending your feet behind. Tighten your core while focusing on keeping the hips elevated.
  2. Begin the movement by walking your right arm forward followed by your left arm.
  3. Continue this “stepping” pattern with your hands until you feel a tight contraction across your back and abdominals. Walk back into the starting position and begin again.

NOTE: This caloric expenditure has been determined based on what a 30 year old, 5’ 7”, 160-pound woman would burn during a weightlifting workout at moderate to high intensity. These figures will vary based on age, gender, diet, lifestyle, prior medical history, and a number of other factors.

Having a toned upper back is attainable. This workout will help you achieve a sleek and sexy look so you can rock out your dress or bathing suit.

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