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Doctor Deltoid Shoulder Workout

Total Workout Time: 15 to 20 minutes

Total Calories Burnt: 107 calories

We are so focused on getting that tummy tuck through crunches and making our arms lean that we forget about the muscles that make up the foundation of our frame: the shoulders. Having toned and sleek shoulders are a sexy asset that turns heads just as much as a nice stomach. This workout will help you to get those lean and defined shoulders to complete the set.


  • You’ll be using the Tri-Set training system. You will perform three exercises back to back to back with no break in-between
  • Perform ALL of the repetitions of exercise A before moving on to exercise B.
  • Perform ALL of the repetitions of exercise B before moving on to exercise C.
  • Once you complete all three exercises in Group 1, then you can take a break of 90 to 120 seconds.
  • Begin again with the exercises from Group 2.

Group 1 Exercises:

A: PUSH UP: 10 repetitions


Primary Muscle Group Activated: Chest, Triceps

Secondary Muscle Group Activated: Shoulders, Abdominals

  1. Come to the ground and lie face down. Position your hands directly below your shoulders while bringing your legs together and extending your feet behind. Tighten your core while focusing on keeping the hips elevated.
  2. Begin the movement by pushing yourself up. Again, focus on maintaining a tight core and elevated hips.
  3. At the top, pause then slowly bring yourself back down. Once the upper arms are parallel with the floor, pause and push yourself back up.



Primary Muscle Group Activated: Shoulders, Traps

Secondary Muscle Group Activated: Upper Back

  1. Stand tall with your feet separated to shoulder-width. Brace your core. Leave your arms hanging at your sides.
  2. Begin the movement by bending the knees slightly. Now bend forward from the hips. Pause once your upper body is nearly parallel with the ground.
  3. Maintaining a tight core, lift both of your arms up and forward. Stop your arms once they get to shoulder height. Pause here before slowly lowering them back down to the starting position.



Primary Muscle Group Activated: Upper Back, Traps

Secondary Muscle Group Activated: Shoulders

  1. Come to the ground and lie face down. Position your hands directly below your shoulders while bringing your legs together and extending your feet behind. Tighten your core while focusing on keeping the hips elevated.
  2. Begin the movement by walking your right arm forward followed by your left arm.
  3. Continue this “stepping” pattern with your hands until you feel a tight contraction across your back and abdominals. Walk back into the starting position and begin again.

Group 2 Exercises:



Primary Muscle Group Activated: Shoulders

Secondary Muscle Group Activated: Triceps

  1. Bring yourself to your hands and knees. Extend your feet back and enter an elevated push-up position. Your hands will be below your shoulders.
  2. Bend at the hips and drive your butt to the sky. Brace your core. Focus the contraction in your shoulders. Your body will make an inverted “V” shape. Begin by bending at the elbows. Your hips stay up.
  3. Once your face nears the ground, pause and slowly return to the starting position while maintaining a tight core.



Primary Muscle Group Activated: Shoulders

Secondary Muscle Group Activated: Upper Back

  1. Hold a water bottle in each hand. Stand tall and brace your core. Bend slightly at the knees. Next, bend at the hips. Lean forward until your upper body is near parallel with the ground. Let your arms hang down in front of you, palms facing each other.
  2. Activating your rear shoulder muscles (rear deltoids) and upper back, bring the water bottles out and to the sides.
  3. Pause at the top of the movement then slowly release until you return to the starting position.

C: BIRD DOGS: 20 reps


Primary Muscle Group Activated: Abdominals, Lower Back, Middle Back / Lats, Shoulders, Hamstrings

Secondary Muscle Group Activated: Quadriceps, Calves

  1. Kneel on the ground and place your hands beneath your shoulders. This is a standard “all-fours” position. Keep your lower back flat and your head in a neutral position.
  2. Begin by extending your left arm in front of you while simultaneously extending your right leg straight behind you.
  3. Hold this position then slowly return to the starting position and switch sides.

NOTE: This caloric expenditure has been determined based on what a 30 year old, 5’ 7”, 160-pound woman would burn during a calisthenics workout at moderate to high intensity. These figures will vary based on age, gender, diet, lifestyle, prior medical history, and a number of other factors.

Strong shoulders are essential for a well-rounded, fit physique. Improve the appearance and strength of your delts with this Deltoid Shoulder Workout.

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